Adding elements to Feature Layers from Oriented Imagery - Aerialsphere Multi OIC Widget for Experience Builder

This document describes the steps required to enable adding elements to Feature Layers using Oriented Imagery tools in the Aerialsphere Multi OIC Widget for ESRI Experience Builder. We will use loosely the concept of digitizing to referring this process.

To digitize an object in an Oriented Image we need to create first a feature layer to store the geometry data of the object (location) in pixel space as well as in-ground space.

  1. Create a Web Map of the area where the Oriented Imagery is located.

    • Go to your ArcGIS Online account and Sign In

    • Click on Map


    • For this Tutorial we will create an empty Map, however, if f you already have a map with layers, it can be used as well.

    • Click on the icon “Save and open”

    • Add the map Title and fill out the rest of the fields

  2. Create empty Feature Layers through ArcGIS Online:
    Point Geometry: the feature layer will be used to store point geometry with attributes.

    • Click on Content > New item > and select the Feature Layer option.

    • Select “Define your own layer”, and click Next


    • Specify the Name of the layer and the type must be set to “Point Layer”, and click Next.

    • Enter the new hosted feature layer's title, tags, and summary in the next window and click on Save.

    • Once the empty feature layer is created, click the Data tab to add new fields to the feature layer.

    • Click on Fields

    • Click on Add Field

    • Add an ImgUrn field. ImgUrn is a field that will be used to store a link back to the image from which the features are being captured. Once you field the information, click on Add New Field

    • Repeat the same procedure to add an ImgGeom field with a string length of 1,000. ImgGeom is a field that will be used to store the geometries of the features in pixel coordinates. Click on Add New Field

    • Add a “Description” field that we will use to describe the object that we will digitize from the Oriented Imagery

    • The new fields should appear as follows:

  3. Create another empty Feature Layers through ArcGIS Online:
    Polygon Geometry: the feature layer will be used to store polygon geometry with attributes.

    • Click on Content > New item > and select the Feature Layer option.

    • Select “Define your own layer”, and click Next


    • Specify the Name of the layer and the type must be set to “Polygon Layer”, and click Next.

      Enter the new hosted feature layer's title, tags, and summary in the next window and click on Save.

    • Once the empty feature layer is created, click the Data tab to add new fields to the feature layer.

    • Click on Fields

    • Click on Add Field

    • Add an ImgUrn field. ImgUrn is a field that will be used to store a link back to the image from which the features are being captured. Once you field the information, click on Add New Field

    • Repeat the same procedure to add an ImgGeom field with a string length of 1,000. ImgGeom is a field that will be used to store the geometries of the features in pixel coordinates. Click on Add New Field

    • Add a “Description” field that we will use to describe the object that we will digitize from the Oriented Imagery

    • The new fields should appear as follows:

  4. Add the feature layer to the Web Map used in the Experience Builder app.

    • Find the layers in my content and add them to the Map



    • Save the changes

Now that the feature layers are created, we can set the Multi-OIC Widget in Experience Builder to enable the overlay of this layer on the Oriented Imagery

  1. In Experience Builder, add a Map Widget and our Multi-OIC Widget side by side

  2. Select the Web Map we previously created

    and add it to the Map widget

  3. Add the Oriented Imagery Catalog to the Multi-OIC Widget


  4. Start Digitizing:

    • Click on the Multi-OIC Widget and enable “Add overlays to the viewer”, check on the feature layer, and check “Enable editing.”

    • Save the Experience and run a preview.

    • In the Preview of the Experience, the “Overlays” icon will appear towards the top right corner of the widget indicating that Overlays is Enabled.

    • Select an Exposure Point in the Map to show the Panorama Image in that location.

    • Click on the “Oriented Imagey Catalogs” icon to remove the lower right window and then click on the “Overlays” icon and the “Overlays” window will appear at the bottom of the Multi-OIC Widget

    • Check on the Show Overlays box and click on the “Add features” icon (plus sign)

    • Click on a building in the panorama and a circle marker is added to the Oriented Image, a circle marker is also added to the location on the map where the element was added and a window pops up prompting the user to fill in the “Description” field. Click Update to add the “Description” to the feature layer element.

    • Checking the data of the Feature Layer, the new information is shown as follows.

    • You can either draw a point or a bounding box with a point feature layer. To draw a bounding box, click on the Add Labels icon.

    • Click on the panorama and a box is added to the Oriented Image, a circle marker is also added to the location on the map where the box is located and a window pops up prompting the user to fill in the “Description” field. Click Update to add the “Description” to the feature layer element.

    • Checking the data of the Feature Layer, the new information is shown as follows.


    • Now we will digitize elements using the Feature Layer we created with Polygon Geometry. At Experience Builder click on the Multi-OIC Widget and enable “Add overlays to the viewer”, check on the feature layer, and check “Enable editing.”


    • In the Preview of the Experience, the “Overlays” icon will appear towards the top right corner of the widget indicating that Overlays is Enabled.

    • Select an Exposure Point in the Map to show the Panorama Image in that location.


    • Click on the “Oriented Imagey Catalogs” icon to remove the lower right window and then click on the “Overlays” icon and the “Overlays” window will appear at the bottom of the Multi-OIC Widget


    • Check on the Show Overlays box and click on the “Add features” icon (plus sign)

    • Trace the contour of a building in the panorama and a polygon is added to the Oriented Image, a polygon is also added to the location on the map where the element is located and a window pops up prompting the user to fill in the “Description” field. Click Update to add the “Description” to the feature layer element.

    • Checking the data of the Feature Layer, the new information is shown as follows.


    • We can also add Photos or files to the element that we digitized. Click on Add in the feature layer element

    • A window will pop up prompting you for uploading the file. Choose the file on your computer and click upload and then once the file uploads successfully click on Close

    • Now there is a link in the word “show” at the corresponding element for the field “Photos and Files”


    • Finally, if we go to the Web Map, we can see that the polygon was added to the feature layer and the Photo is showing in the pop-up when we click on the polygon
