Appending Oriented Imagery Catalogs: Advanced

Appending Oriented Imagery Catalogs: Advanced

Mosaic Dataset Configuration Script (MDCS) is a tool created by ESRI that can be used to simplify the automation of creating and populating Oriented Imagery Catalogs, by enabling the workflows to be parameterized and executed in a single step.

We will use MDCS embedded in a Python Script to append new images to an existing Oriented Imagery Catalog.

Requirements before running the Python script

  1. ArcGIS Pro needs to be installed on the computer where the script is to be run. 

  2. An active portal needs to be set and a user with permission to create content needs to be signed into ArcGIS online. 

  3. ArcGIS Pro is not required to be open at the time of running the script. 

  4. Oriented Imagery tools need to be installed on the same machine. 

Steps for using Python script to append images to OIC

  1. Download the following Python script file from here

  2. Place the Python script file in the folder where the OIC Project geodatabase file (.gdb) is located

    Example of OIC Project where the geodatabase file is called “Test_EPRI.gdb”
  3. Ensure that the OIC at which the new images will be added is already published in ArcGIS online

    Example of an OIC catalog published with the title: “Test_EPRI_OIC”
  4. Modify the following parameters in the Python Script:

    • The path where the MDCS tool is stored in the directory of Oriented Imagery Tools. The location highlighted in yellow in the image below is the generic path where the GP tools are installed, then most likely it won’t need to be changed

    • Name of the existing OIC Catalog and Name of the existing geodatabase (.gbd) file

    •  Name and local location of the text file with the list of URL links of the images to be added to the catalog (images must be in a server)
      * The OIC used in the script is an Inspection type catalog, which only has Inspection Frame Camera images (regular digital camera images).

    • Modify images parameters: campitch, camroll, avgHtAG, neardist, and fardist

    • Delete the .vtpk file from the folder where the Python script is located

    • Set the ArcGIS Python Environment

      •  Open “command prompt” and type the following:


    • Run the Python Script

      • Type the following in the command prompt:  

        python C:\Users\victoria\Documents\ArcGIS\Catalog\MDCS_Python_OIC\Append_OIC.py



oriented-imagery/OrientedImageryCatalog_Schema.pdf at master · Esri/oriented-imagery



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