
Altitude: The height above sea level, in meters. A negative value indicates that number of meters below sea level (this is obviously rare). Note: This is not height above ground.

FoV (Field of View): Like Zoom, this parameter makes the subject appear closer or further from the focal plane of a camera. The values for FoV are measured in degrees. The smaller the number the closer the subject will appear. (e.g. 10° = narrow, 180° = wide)

Latitude and Longitude: Together, these define (when setting) or describe (when getting) where in the world a point is. We use the WGS84 standard for latitude and longitude.

Marker: An image overlaid on a map (either the Google map or our sphere viewer), which typically marks or indicates some object or feature on a map. In our documentation, markers are used only in the sphere viewer (not the Google map). The following marker types are supported:

  • User-defined marker: Markers that you have full control over.

    • Icon marker: Uses one of AerialSphere’s built-in icons.

    • Custom marker: Uses an image defined by a web URI.

    • Logo marker: Like icon markers, but uses the logo list.

    • Text marker: User defined text instead of icons. More information is available here.

  • Special markers: These are generated by the system.

    • Sphere marker: This isn’t defined by the user but is rather defined by AerialSphere. This always uses an icon that looks like a green ball or sphere. When a sphere marker is clicked, its associated sphere is loaded.

    • Query marker: The marker that is added either when an end-user makes a search using the search bar, or right-clicks in the sphere. This type of marker is not limited by any other restrictions (such as setCustomMarkerDistance or setPanoMarkerList).

Any marker (except a sphere marker) may have definitions for the following:

  • Iconography: If not defined, then the default icon and color is used to paint the marker. An icon marker pulls its icon from the AerialSphere icon library, possibly with an updated color. A custom marker pulls its icon from an image that lives at a user-supplied URL.

  • Hover: When defined, this text shows on hover.

  • Popup: Title text and/or description text/html can define a popup. This popup shows when the marker is clicked and can be hidden again with the close button on the top-right.

  • Lat/long: Where to place the marker on the map.

Pan: This parameter allows you to set the view (left or right) in the current sphere. Passing it a 0 value would set the view facing north.

Sphere: Our word for a 360-degree panoramic aerial image.

Tilt: This parameter allows you to set the view (up or down) in the current sphere. Passing it a 0 value would set the view straight up, while passing it a 180 value would set the view straight down.

Zoom: Like FoV, this parameter makes the subject appear closer or further from the focal plane of a camera. The higher the value for zoom the closer the subject will appear.