Sphere Data

Sphere Data

sphereData is a comprehensive object that affects or reads all data on your instance of the global AerialSphere object. It has the following properties:

  • sphereLat and sphereLng (numbers): If both of these properties are passed, then the nearest sphere to the specified coordinates will be found and acted upon as follows:

    • The sphere found will be set as the active sphere and loaded

    • If lookAtLat and lookAtLng are also passed in the sphereData object, then they will be used to set the pan and tilt. The specified coordinates will be used to calculate a pixel viewable from the newly loaded sphere, and the sphere will be rotated such that that pixel will be in the center of the screen. See getData.

    • If lookAtLat and/or lookAtLng are not passed, then the default orientation will be used for the loaded sphere

  • cameraFov (number): The field of view will be set to the given value. See getFov.

  • cameraFovMin (number): If the specified value is greater than 5, then this function sets the minimum allowed field of view to the given value. See getFovRange.

  • cameraFovMax (number): If the specified value is less than 120, then this function sets the maximum allowed field of view to the given value. See getFovRange.

  • cameraZoom (number): The zoom level will be set to the given value. See getZoom.

  • cameraZoomMin (number): If the specified value is greater than 0, then this function sets the minimum allowed zoom level to the given value. See getZoomRange.

  • cameraZoomMax (number): If the specified value is greater than 0, then this function sets the maximum allowed zoom level to the given value. See getZoomRange.

  • title (string): The title of the active sphere will be updated to this value.

  • sphereMarkerDistance (number): The distance, in meters, for which sphere markers are displayed. The default is 4000. See setSphereMarkerDistance.

  • sphereMarkerList (Array<number>): The list of specific sphere markers to display, by sphere id. Ignores the distance defined by sphereMarkerDistance. See setSphereMarkerList.

  • customMarkerDistance(number): The distance, in meters, for which custom markers are displayed. See setCustomMarkerDistance.

  • customMarkerList(Array<number>): The list of specific custom markers to display, by custom marker id. Ignores the distance defined by customMarkerDistance. See setCustomMarkerList.

  • layers (array of objects): A layer, is an Array of markers. Each item in the array will be treated as a layer object. For each layer, the following will happen (see also getLayer):

    • Each of the layer’s markers that is missing an id will be assigned a uuid

    • The layer will be validated

    • The layer will be sanitized

  • autoRotate (object): If any of the following propertied are specified in the object, then they will be updated for the current sphere. See getData.

    • on (boolean): Whether or not the camera should be automatically rotating (ie, panning around the sphere)

    • speed (number): The speed of auto-rotation

    • right (boolean): If true, then rotate right. If false, then rotate left.

    • tilt (number): The tilt for the camera to rotate towards and then hold

    • fov (number): The field of view for the camera to rotate towards and then hold


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