How to whitelist domains?

When you create an API key, by default, a wildcard asterisk (*) is set for the new key. This allows your key to be used on any domain. Using the (*) is recommended for development only and should be removed and replaced with specific whitelisted domains for use in public, production environments.

Your AerialSphere API can be restricted to be only used for the specific domains that you want. These are the whitelisted domains or URLs. You can add whitelisted domains to your API key from the API keys page using the following steps:

  1. Click on the settings icon next to your key

  2. Edit the wildcard asterisk (*) to add your own domain to this and click Save Changes

  3. You can add multiple domains to this. For example

* *

This whitelisting is specific to only the domain itself, not a full path. Wildcards (*) can be used for protocols and ports.
