
Gets the data specified below about the active sphere, passes it to the optional callback function (if provided), and returns it.


  • callback (function): (OPTIONAL) A callback function to execute. It will be passed an object with the following attributes automatically. Each of these attributes will be undefined if there is no active sphere:

    • sphereLat (number): The latitude of the active sphere

    • sphereLng (number): The longitude of the active sphere

    • title (string): The title of the active sphere

    • lookAtLat (number): The latitude of the pixel the user is looking at. See sendData .

    • lookAtLng (number): The longitude of the pixel the user is looking at. See sendData.

    • cameraFov (number): A number representing the current field of view

    • cameraFovMin (number): The minimum valid field of view for the current sphere

    • cameraFovMax (number): The maximum valid field of view for the current sphere

    • cameraZoom (number): A number representing the current zoom level

    • cameraZoomMin (number): The minimum valid zoom level for the current sphere

    • cameraZoomMax (number): The maximum valid zoom level for the current sphere

    • autoRotate (object): The autorotate object for the current sphere. It has the following properties. See sendData for how to update this object.

      • on (boolean): Whether or not the camera should be automatically rotating (ie, panning around the sphere)

      • speed (number): The speed of auto-rotation

      • right (boolean): If true, then rotate right. If false, then rotate left.

      • tilt (number): The tilt for the camera to rotate towards and then hold

      • fov (number): The field of view for the camera to rotate towards and then hold

    • layers (array): An array of the layers for the active sphere (marked for deprecation)

    • markerLayers(array): An array of the marker layers for the active sphere

    • polygonLayers(array): An array of the polygon layers for the active sphere

    • panoMarkerDistance (number): The distance, in meters, for which sphere markers are displayed

    • panoMarkerList (Array<number>): The list of specific sphere markers to display, by sphere id

    • customMarkerDistance(number): The distance, in meters, for which custom markers are displayed

    • customMarkerList(Array<number>): The list of specific custom markers to display, by custom marker id

    • viewerDisplayOrder(Array<string>): The list of the draw order for objects in the viewer

Returns: A promise that resolves to the same object that is passed to the optional callback.

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