This document describes the steps required to enable adding elements to Feature Layers using Oriented Imagery tools in the Aerialsphere Multi OIC Widget for ESRI Experience Builder. We will use loosely the concept of digitizing to referring this process.

To digitize an object in an Oriented Image we need to create first a feature layer to store the geometry data of the object (location) in pixel space as well as in-ground space.

  1. Create a Web Map of the area where the Oriented Imagery is located.

  2. Create empty Feature Layers through ArcGIS Online:
    Point Geometry: the feature layer will be used to store point geometry with attributes.

  3. Create another empty Feature Layers through ArcGIS Online:
    Polygon Geometry: the feature layer will be used to store polygon geometry with attributes.

  4. Add the feature layer to the Web Map used in the Experience Builder app.

Now that the feature layers are created, we can set the Multi-OIC Widget in Experience Builder to enable the overlay of this layer on the Oriented Imagery

  1. In Experience Builder, add a Map Widget and our Multi-OIC Widget side by side

  2. Select the Web Map we previously created

    and add it to the Map widget

  3. Add the Oriented Imagery Catalog to the Multi-OIC Widget

  4. Start Digitizing:
