new AerialSphere()

Creates a new AerialSphere object, which is used for all the other functions documented here.


Note: The normal behavior is to call the constructor passing the 3 basic parameters (as shown in the example below), when there is no data provided the API will result in loading the map by default, also make sure to use the proper variable names to pass such as sphereLat, sphereLng, lookAtLng, cameraFov, etc.

Note: The set functions will be overridden by already defined parameters while viewer is being initialized. for example: If cameraZoomMin is already defined to 5.0 like in the example below,
setting setZoomto 1.0 won’t work.

const sphereData = {
    sphereLat: 33.323741448909225,
    sphereLng: -111.73930440609989,
    lookAtLat: 37.815,
    lookAtLng: -122.4775,
    cameraFov: 90,
    cameraFovMin: 10,
    cameraFovMax: 360,
    cameraZoomMin: 5.0,
    sphereMarkerDistance: 10000,
    layers: []

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